Make Your Groomsmen Gifts As Individual As ...

Who made up the rule that groomsmen gifts have to be the same for each groomsman? When everything else about your wedding day is unique to you and your fianc, how about making each gift you give unique to the loved ones you have standing at your side.

Give some thought to what kind of...

Marriage 698 Words

Make A Business Plan For Your Marriage ...

Make A Business Plan For Your Marriage & Post It On The Fridge

In working with companies to create business plans, I always start with a conversation about goal setting. How could you possibly create a business plan without a goal to achieve by working the plan? Clients are taught to...

Marriage 850 Words

Love Means Appreciating the Whole Person

Liz was furious. She found herself throwing things into her pocketbook and slamming drawers. “What’s his problem?” she fumed. “The rent is late again, and all he says is, ‘Don’t worry, it’ll be okay.’ I can’t take it anymore! Whether the baby...

Marriage 945 Words

Lighting for wedding photography

Lighting is an important ingredient for wedding photography. Unlike most other areas of professional photography, weddings require all types of lighting, all on the same day, such as window light, outdoor lighting, bounce lighting, and multiple electronic lighting. Each type of light has its...

Marriage 401 Words

Keeping Your Marriage And Its Blanket Of Love

There is no secret to a perfect marriage. If marriage could give you a glimpse of heaven, it could give you as much of hell. There is even a famous saying where the perfect marriage can only be found between a deaf and a blind couple, because the deaf husband cannot hear the nagging of his wife,...

Marriage 660 Words

Keep your Marriage Spanking New

Have you ever noticed that after your honeymoon period is over, the magic that exists between you and your husband or wife suddenly dims and slowly wavers? Everything between the two of you falls into a regular routine of eating, sleeping, and sometimes, awkward moments can be experienced....

Marriage 352 Words

Is Your Partner Worth Saving A Marriage?

Anyone that has said marriage was easy had to be single! There is nothing easy about merging your life with another person. Several decades ago, people did not divorce because they were in circumstances in which it was simply not an option women could not support themselves and society did not...

Marriage 419 Words

Is Love Really Blind?

Is love really blind? I wonder. Having been happily married (and some of the times not so happily) for 30 years, I cannot help but ask myself more frequently whether my love is blind. Unsurprisingly to myself, the answer seems to be affirmative. How else would I have been able to go through...

Marriage 527 Words

Is Love Important In Marriage? You Betcha!

Have you ever fallen in love? Do you wish that the person you are with right now is the same person who will share the rest of your life with? Is there a reason a person to be in love?

Everybody wants to love and be loved in return. Falling in love is one of the best feelings ever to feel...

Marriage 564 Words

Is Love Enough to Save You from Divorce?

Sometimes divorce might look like the only solution for a bleak marriage but if there are still feelings there, it is never too late. If you still love your partner, the rest can be worked on. Perhaps love for one another is the only thing you feel you still have in common.

Maybe you...

Marriage 620 Words

International Marriages

People marry people from other countries for many different reasons. For myself, being a true romantic, I would like to believe that the most important reason of all is love.

As a result of the modern forms of transport and communications technologies the world has gotten smaller and it...

Marriage 482 Words

Infidelity Excuse: I Fell Out of ...

Infidelity Excuse: I Fell Out of Love…and just love being in love

I find this dilemma rather common for younger couples, probably mid or late 30s and younger.

Usually one reports, falling out of love and is truly disturbed by this shift. He/she (and this is not merely a...

Marriage 701 Words