Should Illegal Immigrants be Allowed?

As the nation sputters forward into a new problem of illegal immigrants, neo-conservatism and budget crisis we must wonder what to make of it all. The signals are confusing.

On the one hand we have illegal immigrants who have had to hide from the law, work in poverty like conditions and...

Politics 563 Words

Should I Vote For The Man?

I’m proud to say that I have voted in every election since my eighteenth birthday. I’m not proud to say I have not always been an informed voter. So many issues, this candidate promises that, that candidate promises this. It’s enough to drive you crazy.However voting is the...

Politics 504 Words

Shall we grab the Oil Fields.

After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the Western- Nation- States artificially constructed the countries that form now what we Westerners call the Middle East. At the same time was decided that the West would leave the natural resources to the respective countries. Now, in the 21st century, one...

Politics 707 Words

Senator Breaux Calls For ...

The country’s health care system is in crisis. The number of uninsured Americans is at an all-time high, health insurance premiums are rising, health disparities are plaguing our nation and Medicaid is under major strain. While I wholeheartedly support broad health reform, we’ll...

Politics 565 Words

Secrets Behind Old Glory Revealed Part 2

The famous name of Old Glory was originated in 1831 by Captain William Driver, a shipmaster from Salem, Massachusetts. As he was leaving on one of his many voyages aboard his ship the Charles Doggett, his friends presented him with a beautiful flag of twenty four stars. As the banner opened and...

Politics 420 Words

Science Fiction Weapon Comes True

The Stilleto is a weapon featured in Clarkes science fiction novel Earthlight. In the 1955 Clarke novel, the weapon is said to emit a beam of light that was able to pierce a spacecraft. The writer afterwards explains that the weapon he mentioned in his novel was actually a stream of liquefied...

Politics 414 Words

School Prayer, Right Or Wrong

In the Bill Of Rights, the First Amendment to the Constitution, titled “Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression” states the following: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of...

Politics 807 Words

Scare tactics and the art of war

Fear and anxiety have been crucial elements in any general’s strategy since the dawn of time. The Assyrian empire was reputedly formed through the use of generous amounts of terror and brutality. The Spartans struck such terror in their enemies that their forces often won their wars with...

Politics 578 Words

Scare Mongering Juggernaut Sacked! Now What?

The Chickens have home to roost, so to speak. The corrupt Republican smear & scare mongering juggernaut has been sacked!

A strong Democratic onslaught has left the “Quarterback” limping badly, and his “Receivers” are scattered all over the political playing...

Politics 971 Words

Sarasota Commissioner Under Fire For 2004 ...

Most people do not realize the sacrifices that local elected officials make when they accept an elected or appointed city position. For instance being a city commissioner guarantees lack of privacy in your personal life, time taken away from family. All this and you are compensated with very low...

Politics 323 Words

Sandy Berger Ruling: Fair Or Not?

For all intents and purposes, justice was served when Sandy Berger was fined $50,000 by U.S. Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson in her ruling on September 8, 2005 regarding Sandy Bergers mishandling of classified documents. Moreover, Sandy Berger will surrender his security clearance for three...

Politics 539 Words

Rwanda’s Children Emerge From Shadows ...

It’s been 10 years now. Still, Rwanda’s 100-day war casts a long shadow across the lives of its children. It is estimated that more than 1 million Rwandans were murdered during the 1994 war – most at the hands of machete-wielding neighbors, friends and fellow churchgoers...

Politics 369 Words