Bombers of the Second World War

The Lancaster is probably the most famous of all the bombers of the second world war. According to Capt. Donald Macintosh (ex-second world war bomber pilot, and author) it was a lot smoother to fly than the Wellington; the experience of which was close to that of a fighter plane (with no...

Politics 1162 Words

Blood Extravasation: Israels Journey to the ...

Western civilizations lone bastion in the Middle East has lost sight of its holistic long-term visage, and is behaving like a fracturalized cornered animal, lashing at all within its grasp. Israel fails to remember Chaim Weizmanns precursor to entering Palestine, an inclusive benefice for both...

Politics 1103 Words

Black Youth Vote! National Civic Education ...

Black Youth Vote! National Civic Education Training Tour Promotes Voting In Iowa

As part of ongoing efforts to motivate young people to engage in the political process, the League of Young Voters Education Fund (LYVEF) recently teamed up with the National Coalition on Black Civic...

Politics 556 Words

Bizarre Flag Facts Q & As

Test your Patriotic Knowlege of the American Flag:

Question: Is it ok to fly the American Flag upside down?
Answer: The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.

Question: My...

Politics 729 Words

Bite The Bullet…

An old friend of the Tennessee Mountain Man who is now deceased once said when asked about taking opposing positions in the same court (different cases similar facts) in less than a month, “we be whoes… we know we be whoes”.

Then there was the old joke where a rich old...

Politics 855 Words

Bird Flu-Worst-Case Scenario

There has been a lot of buzz about bird flu or the avian influenza and how it could become a global pandemic. What would a pandemic really mean? The federal government just launched a 7 billion dollar program to help the prevention and out break of a bird flu pandemic. There have only been 83...

Politics 797 Words

Big Government Is Bad Government

As we move into the 21st century Western democracies are more and more becoming involved in the trivia of peoples lives. All governments, no matter what their political leaning seem to be under the impression that they know what is best for each and every one of us. Instead of involving...

Politics 565 Words

Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal

This has made Bhutan one of the highest per capita refugee generators in the world due to the implementation of the Driglam Namzha (Cultural Code of the Ruling Elite) with a “One Nation, One People” policy which imposed the language, dress code, and customs of the northern Bhutanese...

Politics 392 Words

BBC Banned Music: Top Singles Banned By the ...

The British Broadcasting Corporation also known as the BBC is a public broadcasting corporation. Therefore, it allows itself to ban materials that deviate from certain standards of civility. During the years, many singles that were seen as too explicit, distasteful or bear the potential for...

Politics 585 Words

Barack Obama Will Become U. S. President

Definitive Best-Relationship-Advice on Barack Obama becoming U. S. President

Today is Wednesday, February 6, 2008, the day after the Super Tuesday the single biggest U. S. presidential primary day.

Notwithstanding the fact that so far neither Senator Hillary Clinton nor...

Politics 454 Words

Barack Obama Suspected of Plagiarism

Democrat presidential hopeful Barack Obama from Illinois is accused of plagiarizing speeches from a 2006 speech by Deval Patrick, the Democratic governor of Massachusetts. The Obama speech entitled Words Matter was delivered in Feb. 16, 2008 during a meeting in Wisconsin and had several...

Politics 468 Words

Augusto Pinochet, President of Chile, born ...

After seizing power in a bloody CIA-backed coup, General Augusto Pinochet ruled Chile with a rod of iron for two decades, during which human rights violations became the norm of Chilean life.

Hailing from an upper-middle class background, Pinochet entered the military academy in Santiago...

Politics 451 Words