Nitwit Nation: Is America Too Dumb for ...

Most Americans are enthusiastic supporters of their own civic rights, but few bother to meet any would-be democrat’s (or any would-be republican’s, if you prefer) number-one responsibility: that of keeping oneself sufficiently literate and well informed to be able to vote rationally...

Politics 1128 Words

Newspapers And Political Bias

Almost every weekday, for the last thirty some years, I have purchased three or four newspapers and read them at lunch time. I do this in order to relax and in some cases learn something. One of the ‘newspapers’ I buy is the Los Angeles Times and I am going to use that...

Politics 1017 Words

New-Gate in New England: Hard Time ...

The very 1st state prison in the United States was founded before there were states at all, let alone united ones. Connecticuts New-Gate Prison, originally a copper mine, was began its role as a detention center in the fall of 1773 as the colonys public gaol and workhouse. It was called New-Gate...

Politics 501 Words

New Orleans My Home – Katrina My ...

Whether Katrina is seen as a disaster, a scourge or a purge it is hard to believe that it can dislodge the deep culture and uniqueness that makes up this city known as New Orleans. From its long history in the hands of the Spanish the French and then the Americans it has formed a character that...

Politics 921 Words

New Early Warning System Uses Artificial ...

Rather than risk more human lives in the ongoing war against terrorism, advances in computer technology are enabling contractors to create remote-controlled machines to do reconnaissance and risk management.

Created by H7 Security Systems Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Global General...

Politics 331 Words

New Defense Secretary Changes Everything ...

On Election Day, the American people spoke very strongly that the direction the President and the Republican Party was taking America towards, is not the direction the country wanted to go in. Presidents are not oblivious to polls. They may not honor them, but they are not oblivious to them. The...

Politics 1157 Words

Net Neutrality On The Hill

The internet has always been a source of confusion and angst on Capitol Hill. It has also been one of the more glamorous issues among the lawmakers, because the impact it has had on the way Americans communicate, seek entertainment and do business.

As the speed of the internet has grown,...

Politics 1162 Words

Neo-Containment for a Nuclear Iran

As anyone who has opened a newspaper or watched the news over the past few years knows, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been pursuing nuclear capability. Irans government insists its only goal is to develop nuclear power plants that would not threaten anyone. The United Nations, though, is...

Politics 4803 Words

National Intelligence Estimate Al-qaeda ...

National Intelligence Estimate Al-qaeda Back Stronger Then Ever Whos Kidding Who???

The Intelligence apparatus of the United States is required to publish what is referred to as the National Intelligence Estimate. It is a distillation of the major intelligence issues facing the United...

Politics 500 Words

National Identification Cards. Whats The ...

There are many reasons why countries, small and large, are reviewing the needs for national identification cards. Many of the reasons have to do with immigration, border control and some are simply economic. When considering national identification cards for a country, its fairly simple to...

Politics 621 Words

Myths of the American Civil War

The Civil War (1861-5) has spawned numerous myths and falsities.

The Republicans did not intend to abolish slavery – just to “contain” it, i.e., limit it to the 15 states where it had already existed. Most of the Democrats accepted this solution.

This led to a...

Politics 717 Words

Murtha Right, Bush Lies

DETROIT — Privately, President George W. Bush is having a political panic attack as he retreats to his cocoon, seeking comfort from his nannies. Babs, his mommy, wife Laura, Condi Rice and Karen Hughes serve as his ladies in waiting, assuring our courageous leader that the boo-boos he gets...

Politics 1449 Words