Chavez’s Inspiration – Simon ...

Simon Bolivar (1783-1830) is a Latin American folk hero, revered for having been a revolutionary freedom fighter, a compassionate egalitarian and a successful politician. He is credited with the liberation from Spanish colonial yoke of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, a country...

Politics 886 Words

Celebrate American Freedom Won 225 Years Ago

With the decisive Battle of Yorktown in Virginia in 1781, America freed itself from the shackles of tyranny. Now, Virginia-the first, permanent English-speaking colony in the New World-is celebrating the 225th anniversary of the historic battle.

The National Park Service’s Yorktown...

Politics 334 Words

Cctv Surveillance Systems: Those New ...

Don’t look now! Someone’s staring at you from that far wall behind the artificial potted plants in this busy hotel lobby. But there’s no need for that furtive glance like you have some lint on your shoulder. There’s no need for those tiny furtive steps either. No...

Politics 560 Words

Casting The Role Of An American President ...

Casting The Role Of An American President – all Business Is Show Business!

So, I’m channel surfing in my New York City hotel room, organizing the junk I lugged from a conference to my hotel room floor, junk I’m about to pay an exorbitant surcharge to lug over the border...

Politics 855 Words

Can The Country Afford Hillary Clinton As ...

Before I start I would like to admit that I am a conservative. I am not a Republican, I despise President Bush for his big spending policies and I am sorry I ever voted for him. If I do not like his level of spending you can imagine how I feel about a candidate who is promising 10 times as much....

Politics 1379 Words

Can Illegal Immigration Lead To Terrorism?

As I watched the evening news, I wondered why no one else seemed to understand that our porous southern borders were open doors for Middle Eastern terrorists. Perhaps it was fresh on my own mind because Id had a recent conversation with a Virginia Police Chief, who told me his department had...

Politics 810 Words

Bush Using Darfur, Aids To Salvage Failed ...

Rap Artist Kanye West had this to say: “George Bush doesn’t care about black people!” — Said during a Hurricane Katrina telethon.

After the Katrina disaster many polls indicated that large majorities of blacks believed that the federal response to Hurricane Katrina...

Politics 1032 Words

Bush’s Holy Cronies have feet of clay

DETROIT — Deception, arrogance, greed, hubris, corruption, incompetence and isolation — the seven deadly sins of political life — snared President George W. Bush and his cronies long ago. That’s how they gained and maintain power.

While praying and thumbing their...

Politics 2020 Words

Bush Gets Caught Swearing on Open Mika At G8 ...

Bush Gets Caught Swearing on Open Mika At G8 Summit

President Bush today uttered a colorful expletive while referring to Hezbollah in what he thought was a private conversation with British Prime Minister Tony Blair. The two were attending a lunch at a G8 summit and speaking candidly...

Politics 292 Words

Bush Flirts with Fascism

DETROIT — The regime has already produced so many ignominious legacies that historians in the near future will be able to feast on the task of measuring the damage from the wretched deeds the Busheviks have wrought.

Certainly, the unnecessary pre-emptive war in Iraq, sold with...

Politics 1143 Words

Burgers, Fries And Ignorant Politics: Does ...

Burgers, Fries And Ignorant Politics: Does Democracy Need An Overhaul?

America has become a confusing place for many people who are trying to decipher through the mess of politics that is inherent in a huge country that touts democracy. The Critical Reviews (No. 1 Vol. 19) article...

Politics 522 Words

Boots on the Moon – Lunacy Run Amuck

Why would we spend an estimated $104 billion (that’s billion with a ‘B’) to go back to a dead world when ours is dying? It seems no one can come up with a compelling reason for NASA to repeat the "been there- done that" Apollo project of the 60’s and 70’s...

Politics 970 Words