Speech Making Basic Tips

It is no secret that public speaking is causing a lot of fear and stress, in fact public speaking ranks high in causing fear in many of us.

The problem that most of us face is not speech making per se, it is actually any kind of frontal lecture or exchange of information that we need to...

Writing & Speaking 725 Words

Speak. Stop. Start Speaking Again.

Early on, while working in radio stations, I learned that ‘dead air’ is a bad thing.

Dead air means silence, unintentional silence, that is. So, if I happened to be standing in the hall, for instance, and heard no music or voice for more than a couple of seconds, I would...

Writing & Speaking 327 Words

How to Develop a Dynamic Story

Story telling is a very effective way to get your point across. Here are some tips to help you develop a dynamic powerful story.

Decide on the purpose for the story. What is the main point you want to make? Slant the telling of the story so that that point is clear.


Public Speaking 350 Words

How To Communicate In His Love Language

Are you wondering how to communicate with that new man in your life? Or maybe you are just wondering about the next man in your life? New or old, its never too late to learn how to communicate in the language of love.

Maybe youve seen the tomboyish girl that somehow has men flocking...

Public Speaking 531 Words

Spanish Grammar Lesson on the Present ...

The Present Progressive Tense

The progressive tense is used to describe actions that are in progress at a specific moment in time (the present). In English, it is the auxiliary verb to be and the present participle. In layperson terms, the present participle means verbs with ing attached...

Writing & Speaking 540 Words

How To Communicate Better With Body Language ...

“I don’t let my mouth say nothin’ my head can’t stand.” Louis Armstrong

Since the 1970s, learning how to communicate better has had a lot to do with understanding body language.

Julius Fast wrote a book entitled, Body Language in 1970. He talked about...

Public Speaking 463 Words

Spanish Grammar Lesson and the Verbs ...

The Uses of Ser and Estar

If you want to know how to speak Spanish it is important that you understand this topicof Spanish grammar. Although the verbs ser and estar are equivalent to the verb to be in English, the meanings and uses for ser and estar vary greatly in Spanish. In an...

Writing & Speaking 1080 Words

How to be a Public Speaking Star with The Use

How to be a Public Speaking Star with The Use Of Computers

No, you will not be giving a speech using computers. A computer cannot speak for you on stage. No, that is not what this topic is about. I am saying computers can help you get in touch, while helping you search for information....

Public Speaking 648 Words

How to be a Great Speaker Without Using ...

RESEARCH YOUR AUDIENCE It amazes me how some speakers will show up for a speaking engagement and really not know anything about the audience they are speaking to. Many speakers just get lazy and feel that their message is so important that anyone would want to hear it. They couldn’t be...

Public Speaking 1286 Words

Solitaire Klondike: Learn How to Play

Since computers entered each and every household, classroom and office, solitaire became the most popular game. It is simple to learn, easy to play, and addictive because of its simplicity. But that was ages ago, and people have begun to grow tired of that same old game. As a result, they turned...

Writing & Speaking 585 Words

History of Public Speaking

There never has been in the history of the world a time when the spoken word has been equaled in value and importance by any other means of communication. If one traces the development of mankind from what he considers its earliest stage he will find that the wandering family of savages depended...

Public Speaking 440 Words

Soiree Casino Comment Organiser votre Soiree ...

Plusieurs choix s’offrent vous. Vous pouvez soit faire appelle une socit vnementielle qui se chargera alors de vous

fournir les tables professionnelles de chaque jeux ainsi que leur croupiers ( ou croupires) forms spcialement pour vous.
Oui mais voil, reste la question du...

Writing & Speaking 537 Words