A Golden Rule To Manage Job/Workplace Stress

A Golden Rule To Manage Job/Workplace Stress: Having gone for a sea bath, don’t be afraid of the oncoming waves. Take your plunge!

* Getting a job, involves lots of stress.
* Getting a job, without the stressful environment, is a blessing.
* Getting a job, with the type...

Management 445 Words

A ‘Four Square’ Statement

Here’s a quick and simple way to develop a strategic plan for any written document. And while it doesn’t require much actual writing, it will help you focus your attention and get a better response to your message.

Take a sheet of paper and divide it into about four equal...

Management 291 Words

20 Tips On Presenting Corporate & ...

1. If you operate an office that receives visiting clients you probably have a reception area. Such an area can be used to great advantage. While your client is waiting to see you why not give them the opportunity to learn about you and the company? Large photographs of the factory or the...

Management 1543 Words

15 Tips To Streamline Your Business And ...

15 Tips To Streamline Your Business And Become Profitable In 2006

Here are some tips to help you cut the fat and improve the productivity of your business. If you apply a few of these, youre well on your way to achieving greater profit and creating less stress!

1. Cut the...

Management 1104 Words

12 New Tips for Effective Meetings

1) Ask everyone to arrive five to ten minutes early. This gives everyone time to socialize, obtain coffee, or organize materials before the meeting. It also ensures that everyone is present at the scheduled starting time. Make this part of the agenda.

2) Discuss sensitive issues with the...

Management 477 Words

11 Secrets To Better Time Management For ...

Why is it that the Bill Gate’s of this world are rich and famous? What secret do they know that the rest of us don’t? If you study their lives closely, you’ll discover the rich and famous have certain habits that attribute to their success. Successful people are very careful...

Management 1315 Words

10 Ways To Stimulate Employee Motivation

Todays fast-moving business environment demands that the effective manager be both a well-organized administrator and highly adept in understanding peoples basic needs and behaviour in the workplace. Gaining commitment, nurturing talent, and ensuring employee motivation and productivity require...

Management 747 Words

10 Things That Lead to One Great Meeting

Here are ten things that you can do to make your meetings more effective.

1) Avoid meetings. Test the importance of a meeting by asking, “What happens without it?” If your answer is, “Nothing,” then don’t call the meeting.

2) Prepare goals. These are...

Management 444 Words

10 Effective Ways To Reduce Your Business ...

1. Barter
If you have a business you should be bartering goods and services with other businesses. You should try to trade for something before you buy it. Barter deals usually require little or no money.

2. Network
Try networking your business with other businesses. You could...

Management 347 Words

10 Characteristics of Effective Meetings

Here are ten fundamental concepts that characterize an effective meeting.

1) Definition: A meeting is a business activity where select people gather to perform work that requires a team effort.

2) A meeting, like any business event, succeeds when it is preceded by planning,...

Management 212 Words

9 Facts About Coaching You Need to Know

What is Coaching?

Coaching is a fairly young discipline, so there are a lot of definitions of the term “coaching”. Let’s take a look at various descriptions offered on the World Wide Web.

Coaching can be defined as:

* A process providing an individual with...

Management 748 Words

8 Ways to Avoid Litigation When You Sell a ...

8 Ways to Avoid Litigation When You Sell a Business

Based on recent litigation storm clouds, business owners planning exit strategies better batten down their legal hatches.

As a small business owner, your company most likely represents a significant portion of your net worth. ...

Management 653 Words