The Importance Of Fruit And Vegetable Juices ...

A mans health is a very important aspect of his life. To say that health is wealth is not only to utter an old, used up mantra, but to mean that for most human beings, staying fit and healthy is parallel to being wealthy, for a persons everyday life is influenced mainly by the state of his mind...

Nutrition 767 Words

The Health Benefits Natural Dietary ...

You should check with your health care professional before taking any thing, including natural dietary supplements. Some natural dietary supplements can cause health problems instead of improving your overall health. As with all health supplements, please consult your physician before taking...

Nutrition 979 Words

The Glycemic Index, What You Should Know ...

As of late, there has been much mention about the glycemic index. People everywhere talk about it and food advertisements use it liberally to promote certain products. But just what is this glycemic index and what does it mean for you? Why is it that people are resorting to it as a means of...

Nutrition 746 Words

The Four Keys to Excellent Health

Your healthy functioning body is the most valuable material asset you possess. Its the first thing of value given to you when you enter this world and you owe it to yourself to value it and increase its functioning value. Today I will give you 4 keys to progressively creating a healthy body and...

Nutrition 495 Words

The Food Theme Diet

This is a very interesting diet concept that I think may work for many people. It is known as the food theme diet and allows you to eat the foods you like, while losing a good amount of weight naturally. The diet is centered on eating less overall rather than eating the healthiest and natural...

Nutrition 408 Words

The Easiest Nutrition Guidelines Ever

1)Eat For Your Goal-
If needing to lose weight eat below your caloric needs. No more than 30% cut.
If needing to gain weight then eat above. Increase by 15% as needed.

2) Eat for Balance-Get at least 30% of every nutrient in a day (protein/carbs/fats). The other 10% is to do...

Nutrition 198 Words

The Dangers Of Trans Fats And How To Know If

The Dangers Of Trans Fats And How To Know If You’re Eating Them

Trans fats, or Trans Fatty Acids, are a vegetable-based fat that is made when vegetable oils are hardened for use in shortening or margarine. Trans fats are found in baked and fried foods, such as cookies, fried fish or...

Nutrition 506 Words

The Dangers of Sodas and Diet Drinks

Sodas and colas are incredibly popular across the world. These beverages account for more than a quarter of all drinks consumed in the United States. More than 15 billion gallons were sold in 2000. That works out to at least one 12-ounce can per day for every man, woman and child.


Nutrition 326 Words

The Dangers Of Fad Dieting

Almost everywhere you turn, fad diets are appearing. They often deliver results, but at what cost? Is there a healthier but still effective option?

Youre joining your friend for lunch. She looks great. Shes shed the extra twenty pounds that shes been carrying since college, and shes...

Nutrition 684 Words

The Best Meal Plan For Your Diet Personality

If you eat less than 3 meals a day looks like you don’t care about your body. Spending most of your time eating or snacking plus forgetting to take your 1 hour exercise…

I don’t need to mention what would be the effect, but I strongly recommend you to read carefully...

Nutrition 605 Words

The Best Foods on the Planet for a Lean Body

The Best Foods on the Planet for a Lean Body

In most of my newsletters, I like to provide a healthy snack or meal recipe that not only is delicious, but also helps to get you closer to that hard-body appearance that everyone is looking for. In this article, I’d like to give you...

Nutrition 1511 Words

The benefits of water ionizers

You are able at this point to make the most of one of the most important and abundant natural resources of our planet Water. The majority of our body is comprised of about 70% water and our brain is composed of about 80% water. A large portion of our body’s functions are regulated by...

Nutrition 522 Words