The Science Of Muscle Building

Bodybuilding involves more than just lifting weights. It pays to have an understanding of human kinetics. How do muscles work?

Muscles develop by making them work. Muscles can only work when the body is in motion. They work extra when we are in full motion. Thus, to develop the muscles to...

Muscle Building 434 Words

Trying Yoga for Back Pain? Then pick the ...

Trying Yoga for Back Pain? Then pick the RIGHT poses (Part 1)

Studies have shown that Yoga may be one of the most effective exercises for back pain relief. In fact Health-First reporter Leslie LoBue says twisting your body into those sometimes awkward positions may actually be just the...

Yoga 805 Words

Why Worry About Menopause?

As a woman who wants to know about the symptoms of menopause, it is important to have a deeper understanding of what menopause really is. This deeper understanding will give you more insight into what to expect as menopause starts.

There are many women who don’t have all the true...

Womens Issues 299 Words

The Vital Importance of Oxygen

The Vital Importance of Oxygen for Optimum Health

The renowned biochemist scientist Dr. Otto Warburg may have discovered an underlying cause of all cancers over 50 years ago. He actually won two Nobel Prizes for discovering the clues as to why cancer develops. In 1931 Dr. Warburg won...

Supplements 805 Words

The Role Of Whey Protein In Achieving ...

The Role Of Whey Protein In Achieving Significant Muscle Gain

Most bodybuilders would agree that supplementing with whey protein is an important element in achieving serious muscle gains. This article will examine the facts relating to whey protein as a supplement and help you decide...

Muscle Building 326 Words

Try Core Power Yoga

Core power yoga is an energetic yoga exercise that physically and mentally challenges to help connect to inner power without stopping and accompanied by a heated, climate controlled Vinyasa. It heals, detoxifies and stimulates the body and mind through balance and intention.

Power yoga...

Yoga 309 Words

Teeth whitening for Oxford

Laser teeth whitening is also known as Zoom teeth whitening is offered by teeth whitening consultants as a technique to remove stains from your teeth .

Although teeth whitening is very popular, many people are still clueless about the different products and procedures out there. Teeth...

Health & Fitness 425 Words

The Truth About Omega 3 Benefits

Omega 3 fish oils have received some negative publicity recently. There were scares over potential contamination in fresh oily fish by mercury, though this has been refuted as an overly exaggerated issue. And more recently, a meta study, which is a ‘study of studies’, was published...

Supplements 850 Words

Which penis enlargement method is best for ...

So you have decided to make the big step and actually join the hip penis enlargement community. No more denial, no more depression. Sure, the road happiness looks long and lonely from where you stand right now, but even a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

And that...

Mens Issues 613 Words

Tips For Doing Inversion Yoga Poses

Headstand (salamba shirshasana) is one of the yoga poses that are considered inversion poses. Inversion poses involve any asanas that lift the feet above the head. Other inversion poses that are well known include shoulderstand (salamba sarvangasana) and half shoulderstand (viparita karani). But...

Yoga 979 Words

Why Its Better For Women To Use Herbal ...

A Little Something about Herbal Medicine First

Before we should address the issue of possible benefits that women can enjoy from the use of herbal medicine, wouldnt it be proper to know a little something about the history of herbal medicines first?

Herbal medicine has been in use...

Womens Issues 428 Words

What Women Say About Penis Size?

So, does penis size matter for women?

Yes, penis size does matter, but not in the way that you may think.

After asking several hundred women over 18 years old, sizes, ethnicities, and sexual habits, 82% of these women answered that were happy with a penis that was big enough to...

Mens Issues 270 Words