Effects Of Cannabis Addiction

Cannabis is a plant that we commonly call marijuana, ganja in herbal form or hashish in resinous form. It has been commonly used way back prehistoric times. However, its use became prevalent in the 20th century when cannabis was utilized for religious, spiritual, medicinal and even recreational...

Time Management 400 Words

The Fear Of Criticism

So many times in life we would like to try something new. Like a new sport, different style haircut, changing clothing or loosing weight. But are afraid to try because of the criticism we might receive from others because of our change. Over time we have been brainwashed into believing other...

Self Improvement 300 Words

Effects Of “Smokeless” Tobacco ...

There is a belief in some areas that good oral hygiene can offset the destructive effects of spit tobacco. That belief could not be farther from the truth. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, a government agency dealing with oral health, “there is no...

Time Management 463 Words

The Effects Of Having A Stutter

If you have difficulties with your speech, you are not alone. Latest figures state that over one percent of people in the UK suffer with a stutter or stammer. This article describes the effects that stuttering can have on a persons life.

I am somebody who has overcome a stutter or what...

Self Improvement 369 Words

The Drugs Dont Work!

Can Hypnotherapy heal the problems that traditional treatments cannot resolve? Is it our attitudes towards bad habits and illness, that encourages us treat the symptoms and not the causes?

Hypnosis may conjure up images of swinging pendulums and stage trickery, but its a technique thats...

Self Improvement 741 Words

The Dot Com Era is Back

In a recent article titled “Internet use threatens to overtake TV in Canada” it discusses the threat of online marketing to traditional media sources in Canada. This isn’t a a threat anymore in the US. It is a fact.

An article written by Thomas Mucha from Business 2.0...

Self Improvement 667 Words

Effective Use of Time

We are unlikely ever to have sufficient time to do all the things we want or need to do. So it’s vital therefore that we make the best use of the time we have available. And since time itself is not physically manageable, we have to learn to manage ourselves, our workload’s, our...

Time Management 393 Words

The Development of the Social Self ...

Friends play a crucial role in self-development. Some say your friends are a reflection of yourself, and in a way that is true. People tend to make friends with people whom they have something in common, such as an interest in certain sports, in music, even a television program. Many friendships...

Self Improvement 649 Words

Effective Time Management For Today’s ...

As believers, mastering effective time management is one of the greatest ways we can be fruitful and demonstrate our faithfulness. We have to do all that secular businesses do and find time for our prayer, meditation, worship, and service. As believers, we have to be twice as good to be a full...

Time Management 765 Words

Effective Time Management – Ten Top ...

Have you ever thought to yourself that there arent enough hours in the day, or felt overwhelmed at the tasks facing you? If you have, this article can help you!

Clarify your goals and strategy. Be very clear about your aims and ambitions, both short and long term. Write them down. Once...

Time Management 479 Words

Educating Yourself With Attention Deficit ...

A diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) carries with it a whole new set of challenges. Suddenly, behavior that was hard to explain now fits within a standard definition of a widespread disorder. More and more children and adults are being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, and...

Time Management 405 Words

Eczema Or Atopic Eczema?

When the skin just becomes too itchy, too rash-like, or starts to have sores that weep, it may be more than just dry skin. Eczema is a term used to describe a wide variety of skin conditions that consist of dry skin, cracking, bleeding, itch, and oozing sores. One must determine what kind of...

Time Management 608 Words