Stress Management

Have you ever said the words, “This job/my life is so stressful!” Or something else along those lines?

Most people believe that stress is something that happens in their lives. They believe it is the result of outside circumstances beyond their control. We are stressed if our...

Stress Management 965 Words

King Quotes Garner Inspiration

Here is a small trivia challenge for you. Who said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”? If you guessed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. you would be correct.

However, you may not have heard this next quote. Doctor King said, “He who passively accepts evil...

Leadership 589 Words

Self-Growth: When Everything Falls Apart

We often have the perception that self-growth will be simple, enjoyable, and rewarding. It certainly can be, but there is also another aspect of the self-growth journey that is rarely mentioned. And that is, when everything falls apart.

One of the major parts of self-growth is learning...

Self Improvement 1378 Words

Self-Esteem: How To Let Your Light Shine

This week something interesting happened to me. I made a gift for someone, and they absolutely loved it. As they exclaimed over it and admired it, they asked if it had taken me long to make. I shrugged and said, “Just a few hours” – when in fact I spent more than 30 hours...

Self Improvement 717 Words

Creativity And Original Thinking: ...

Why is it that ideas can flow so freely sometimes and then be as elusive as a leaf floating down a stream? I’ve wondered that a lot when I was under a deadline, either at school or more recently for my livelihood.

Over the years I have used a few tricks to get me unstuck when I...

Time Management 638 Words

Stress Less And Relieve Tension In Your Mind ...

Stress Less And Relieve Tension In Your Mind And Body.

Do you ever get the feeling that you just cant think straight any longer? That your ability to concentrate has just disappeared? That your brain has somehow reached overload and your thought processes have ground to a halt? Youre...

Stress Management 695 Words

Keeping Conflict in Perspective

A friend told me about a conflict she was having with her next door neighbor.

Due to a misunderstanding the neighbor was pretty upset, so much so that when they passed on the street and my friend said hello and reached out to shake his hand, he withdrew it, avoided eye contact, muttered a...

Leadership 858 Words

Self-Esteem: Developing A Strong Belief In ...

Inevitably in life, we will face disapproval or rejection from others. It might be a family member, friend, employer, or even a stranger. They might disagree with the way we live our lives, the decisions we make for ourselves, or even who we are. They might belittle our dreams, criticize our...

Self Improvement 643 Words

Creative Visualization And The Law Of ...

You may have heard of creative visualization from interviews with athletes who have used this powerful technique to win more gold medals and titles than perhaps any other single training method. By actually sensing, feeling and being in a perfect race or competition within their own heads,...

Time Management 444 Words

Stress Less!

STRESS. “Yes, the S word’. Stress is the ‘wear and tear’ our bodies experience as we adjust to our constantly changing environment. Stress has both physical and emotional effects on us and can it can create positive or negative feelings.

As a positive influence,...

Stress Management 605 Words

Stress And Work Life Balance

Technically stress is the adverse reaction an individual has to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed on them. In the workplace, the negative, damaging, effects of stress can arise at times when pressures are extreme, such as peak busy periods, but equally can be caused by...

Stress Management 2014 Words

Creating Time With Downloadable Audio Books

Are you wasting time commuting to and from work? Listening to music can be an escape but nowadays time is at a premium, so many people are choosing to use that valuable time for listening to audio books. Long commutes are definitely an ideal time to listen to downloadable audio books...

Time Management 632 Words