Fear of Failure: For a Marketer, Its the ...

Fear of Failure: For a Marketer, Its the Kiss of Death

Susan B. Anthony was once quoted as saying Failure is impossible. And you know what? I believe she was right because regardless of the outcome of whatever action you take, in anything you do, you always gain something from taking...

Marketing 712 Words

Testimonials: A Marketers Best Friend

Testimonials are a great way to build consumer confidence in your product. Hearing from other people who have purchased the product and are satisfied with the results goes a long way toward making sales. Testimonials can range from short blurbs (a sentence or two, or a paragraph) to...

Marketing 471 Words

Fear of Change can Hurt Your Business

Most people dont like change. It means having to re-adjust routine, change habits and throw your order of process into upheaval. You are leaving your comfort zone. Most people dont want to do this, so those people fail. Even when that change could mean something GOOD people balk. ...

Marketing 846 Words

Testimonials: The Key to Boosting Sales!

Testimonials play an important part in advertising – especially for small businesses. Yeah, big businesses with well-known names don’t have to worry about it, but small companies can use testimonials as marketing tools to build credibility.

Think about it…how else can...

Marketing 598 Words

Fax Broadcasting Explained

What is Fax Broadcasting?
As the name suggests, fax broadcasting is distributing a fax or list of faxes out to a large group of contacts in one go.

It is also at times referred as fax blasting and bulk faxing.

It is an increasingly popular low-cost way to reach out to...

Marketing 617 Words

Fast Food Operator has Found an Innovative ...

Fast Food Operator has Found an Innovative Restaurant Marketing System

This morning Tom Martin was the plumber; by mid-morning he was the accountant. All afternoon he was busy doing research and development and ended his workday concentrating on purchasing. Like many small business...

Marketing 866 Words

Ten Phenomenal Marketing Tactics

1. An Ounce of Prevention…
How often do fads come and go? Sometimes they’re here today and gone tomorrow…other times they’re here to stay. Yeah, the problem is that it’s pretty darned hard to predict exactly what will happen in the market place this year,...

Marketing 680 Words

Failure Is Temporary

Would you like me to give you a formula for…success? It’s quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure… You’re thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn’t at all…You can be discouraged by failure – or you can learn from it. So go ahead...

Marketing 395 Words

Ten Easy Marketing Tasks You Can Do NOW

1. Listen to (and write down!) the questions your clients ask. They’re clues to the problems you can help them solve. They’re also topics for your next article, talk and e-newsletter. Don’t invent this stuff – just listen!

2. Plan and write out your next sales...

Marketing 473 Words

Eye Catching Poster Printing

Whether you are advertising a small theater production in your town or promoting a multi million product, there is nothing quite like a big glitzy poster to deliver what you want to say. Poster printing can be done in a number of ways and variables. These include the size of the poster, the...

Marketing 439 Words

Extracting Postcards Potentials

Postcards are still part of our modern system of communicating. That fact we cannot deny.

Postcards old charisma is preserved. It can still uplift the mood and brighten everybodys day. No question about that, right? The effect is flagrant that even though there are already lots of...

Marketing 410 Words

Telemarketing – When To Take The Call

There is a great misconception about telemarketing. Say that word and people conjure images of having their day interrupted by machine-like individuals only interested in making a sale. This image is why so many have refused to list their number or have even gone as far to put themselves on a...

Marketing 521 Words