Vitamin C – What You DON’T Know

The real facts about benefits of Vitamin C may surprise you. First of all what is Vitamin C? Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin. Unlike the oil soluble vitamins such as A and E, Vitamin C cannot be stored by your body. Since Vitamin C is not stored by your body, we need to get it from our diet...

Supplements 1417 Words

Workout Without a Gym

We know that using free weights and machines is the fastest and most efficient way there is to improve your metabolism and strength, but for many reasons these may not be convenient or readily accessible to you.

You may also have no access to a commercial gym, home gym or are on...

Muscle Building 1140 Words

Working Time Management For Moms

When you walk in the door, you see a stack of papers floating around your desk, and when you go home, just as at the office, you cant find those important papers you need so desperately to stay out of trouble or make an excuse.

When you come home at night, you and your spouse argue, and...

Womens Issues 512 Words

Testing For Stachybotrys Mold You Will Most ...

Testing For Stachybotrys Mold You Will Most Likely Smell It First

Testing for Stachybortrys mold is what professional technicians test for in homes and buildings. This is because the Stachybortrys mold is also called black mold and cane be very toxic. This mold is a greenish black slimy...

Health & Fitness 428 Words

Why You Should NOT Try to Isolate Muscle ...

Why You Should NOT Try to Isolate Muscle Groups When Weight Training

Working as a fitness professional, there is one type of question I get all the time that shows that many people are missing the big picture regarding the benefits of strength training. This popular question usually goes...

Muscle Building 610 Words

Yoga: The Most Effective Scoliosis Exercise

Scoliosis is a condition in which a person has side-to-side spinal curves in addition to the normal curves through which the lower portion of the human back curves inwards. The most effective remedy for such a condition is Scoliosis exercises. Although many exercises help in reducing the...

Yoga 272 Words

Vitamin C: Everything You Ever Needed To ...

Vitamin C: Everything You Ever Needed To Know About It

Vitamin C is one of the most well known vitamins, but do you really know what it is and what it does? That’s what this article will show you: everything you’ve ever needed to know about Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is an...

Supplements 332 Words

Testicular Problems And Sexual Activity

The frequency of sexual activity and performance changes as men reach the latter stages of their life. This happens because the production of testosterone lessens as people get older. Testosterone is a hormone that is required for sperm production and the development of the male reproductive...

Health & Fitness 545 Words

Women Suffering from Anorgasmia

Now it’s abstraction for the attending to be on you. Women bang been sexually discontented for life, but until the latter air of the 20th century sex was widely perceived as simply a negroid’s duty. According to investigate, 10% to 15% of women jazz never had an climax either by...

Womens Issues 444 Words

Why My Muscles Won’t Grow? Cortisol ...

Why My Muscles Won’t Grow? Cortisol Stress Hormone Destroy Muscle Tissues

There are many reasons why your muscles wont grow or why your muscle growth is retarded. One main culprit for your muscle tissue to in a catabolic and not in an anabolic state is the stress hormone called...

Muscle Building 495 Words

Vitamin C

Probably the most talked about vitamin is Vitamin C. Most people associate it with orange juice, assume that it will help you stay healthier, and know little else about this famous and fascinating vitamin.

The truth is that Vitamin C is necessary for all humans. Vital in the production of...

Supplements 343 Words

Yoga – Practices and History

Yoga is a practice that people do keep their bodies in shape. All of the elements of Yoga were inherited form the practice of Hinduism. Ethnic principles, and body principles, along with spiritual guidance and philsophy are just some of the features associated with Yoga. Yoga is usually...

Yoga 621 Words