Why Dandruff Shampoo Can Prevent Thinning ...

At any one time, about 10 percent of the hair on your scalp is in a resting phase. After 2 to 3 months, the resting hair falls out and new hair starts to grow in its place. This growing phase lasts for 2 to 6 years. Each hair grows approximately 1 centimeter per month during this phase. About 90...

Womens Issues 347 Words

Losing Weight with Phentermine

To be healthy is the ultimate desire of the young generation. A healthy body is defined as a proper ratio of height and weight of an individual and it is called mass index. If mass index exceeds the body ratio then it is treated as an obesity case. There are mainly two advantages of healthy...

Weight Loss 629 Words

The Role of Antioxidants in Good Health And ...

The Role of Antioxidants in Good Health And Healthy Living

Everyone has heard about the importance of a balanced diet for maintaining good health. Similarly, everyone knows that they should be getting exercise – or at the very least adding more activity into their days. Getting a...

Supplements 729 Words

The Most Powerful Muscle-Building Tool ...

The bodybuilding debates will never end. The endless arguments over how an effective muscle-building program should be structured will most likely continue until the end of time. Just scour the Internet message boards, flip through any muscle magazine or talk to the sales rep at your local...

Muscle Building 659 Words

Viagra is prescribed to treat erectile ...

VIAGRA is prescribed to treat erectile dysfunction (ED).

If you take any medicines that have nitrates in them (like nitroglycerin for chest pain)every day or even once in a whileyou should NOT take VIAGRA.

Discuss your general health status with your doctor to ensure that you are...

Mens Issues 345 Words

Why Couples Find Difficulty Conceiving: ...

The term infertility refers to the abnormal incapacity to produce children by natural means of conception. It also refers to the incapability of a woman to go through the entire course of pregnancy. Several couples throughout the world strive hard to conceive a child, however some find extreme...

Womens Issues 571 Words

Losing Weight With PCOS – Low Carb May ...

Losing Weight With PCOS – Low Carb May Help Insulin Response

PCOS is a condition that has a strong impact on a woman’s fertility, and affects between 5% to 10% of women of child bearing age. Because a woman’s body doesn’t produce enough eggs when she suffers from...

Weight Loss 908 Words

Theres help for Asthma in Yoga

Perhaps it was predestined that I should have had asthma as a kid, discover Yoga as an adult, correct my respiratory health with it and now be blessed to write about my experiences with using Yoga (amongst other things) to control my asthma symptoms.

If this is the case, then I am...

Yoga 810 Words

The Right Way To Use Weight Loss Supplements

In our modern world, technology is not the only thing people are crazy about; they are also obsessed with their image. Presently, the criteria for judging beauty are a tall frame and a lanky stature.

Unfortunately, this found an ally in the media, who religiously enforces the rule for...

Supplements 454 Words

The Most Common Myths about Abs

Myth #1

Abdominal muscle is different from regular muscle.

Your abdominal muscles are just like every other muscle in your body. The abdominal is different only in location and unlike biceps or quads they dont rest on a bony surface. So you should train them the same way you would...

Muscle Building 421 Words

Teens And Steroid Abuse

The growing teens and steroids nexus is one of the major problems of recent times. Society is witnessing a noxious nexus between teens and steroids. The use of anabolic steroids is rising among the high school-age children. Most of the teens are using steroids because of cosmetic reasons and...

Health & Fitness 323 Words

viagra,cialis,levitra For The Treatment Of ...

Erectile dysfunction or impotence in men refers to the inability of men to achieve and maintain an erection when they are sexually aroused. More than one in 10 men suffers from impotence problem in the UK. Impotence has become one of the most common disorders in...

Mens Issues 504 Words