Some Spanish Facts And How To Easily Learn ...

Some Spanish Facts And How To Easily Learn The Language

Spanish courses are available everywhere. Most people still learn Spanish as a second language from a university or college to earn a certification as well. There are many benefits how learning Spanish can help you. There are always...

Time Management 408 Words

Connecting With Your Higher Self

When you want to listen to a particular radio station, you tune your radio to that station, tuning in to a particular frequency. Same when you want to watch a particular show on TV. It is the frequency you tune into that determines what you hear and what you see.

Our brains operate in...

Time Management 682 Words

Relax- Watch Sunsets

Stress, the word that has become the enemy of millions around the world. So many of us are stressed all the while. Every small decision creates stress. Every small change creates stress. Even a kid going to primary school faces stress now a days. Rather one must try and find out what does not...

Stress Management 390 Words

Change Leads to Power!

Change requires power. Any kind of change is a formidable challenge for most people. Yet the Lord asks us to change from our old ways and do things His way. Not an easy task!

Put off … the old man, … and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and… put on the new man,...

Leadership 620 Words

Secrets Of Good Luck

Good luck seems like random fortunate coincidences, but there are things we do that cause more of what we call “luck,” both good and bad. Usually, we don’t know we are doing these things, but what if we did? Could we then create luck?

Yes. Actually, there are at least...

Self Improvement 521 Words

Reduce Your Stress: Your Children Are ...

Mothers are expected to possess huge hearts, big shoulders, a minimum of 3 hands, all the answers and the list goes on! What many mothers forget is they are not born with super hero powers to handle all of those things at once.

Mom=Stress. Its a fact of life. Reducing stress is of the...

Stress Management 514 Words

Reduce stress before exams

At the beginning of your term you give yourself a promise to study hard and succeed in whatever you have planned. But things just happen to distract you from doing serious tasks and you start postponing: till next day, till next weekend, till next month, year and so on. You start getting...

Stress Management 519 Words

Your Ace In The Hole

Unconditional self-love has its own special vibration. It has a quiet, steady radiance which draws others to its light. Love is who and what we are. It is our natural state and the pure truth of our beingness.

Self love does not demand the love of others. An internal acceptance is...

Time Management 325 Words

Some Pass Easily When Taking A Driving Test

Some pass easily when taking a driving test. Others though would have a hard time with it. This does not mean though that there is no way for you to pass. In fact, here are some tips on how to go through that exam well prepared and have a good chance of passing.

Practice makes...

Time Management 418 Words

Rose Desrochers’ Thoughts On Taking ...

When do we start taking responsibility for our own actions? It appears that we no longer own our actions. Owning our actions involves taking personal responsibility for what we do. Why is it that when something goes wrong, we need some place else to lay the blame? Part of being a mature,...

Self Improvement 610 Words

Confidence Through Neuro-linguistic ...

Self confidence is an emotional and mental state of mind which responds to our need for self-acceptance and recognition. It’s among the oldest and most studied concepts in psychology. It is used to describe a good albeit adequate perception of oneself and one’s abilities. Hence,...

Time Management 770 Words

Champagne Coorks Are Popping To Celebrate ...

Many people are stuck in dead end jobs, resentful that they are passed over for promotion. They know they are capable of more but something is holding them back.

You want to succeed What should you do?

The first thing to understand is that if you do nothing differently then...

Leadership 599 Words