Coaching Men How To Communicate Suavely With ...

A most efficient way a man can perk up his communication skills with a woman is by listening to her feelings. This might be tricky since he is coming from a different standpoint.

The earliest thing a man should do is to keep in mind how rapidly disagreeable feelings can surface in a...

Time Management 393 Words

You Can Adjust Your Sails Despite The Winds ...

You Can Adjust Your Sails Despite The Winds In Your Life

There are a lot of people who will try to make you believe that you can be in total control of your life. Many of these seemingly well-adjusted perfectionists seem to glide through life untouched by human tragedy in their own lives....

Time Management 626 Words

Natural Stress Management: Howsoever ...

Natural Stress Management: Howsoever Powerful May Be The Storm-It Has To Pass!

The pronouncement of the very word natural, takes some stress out of your personality. The chances of harmful side effects in natural management in any area, are remote. This assurance is great and likely to...

Stress Management 549 Words

Smoking Cannabis Is Considered Addictive

Marijuana or cannabis is a plant that can induce hallucinations in an individual. During the 1970s, smoking cannabis became extremely popular and many people ended up addicted to it. Just like smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol, people who have cannabis addiction experience emotions like...

Time Management 406 Words

Ask Don’t Tell Leadership – What ...

Ask Don’t Tell Leadership – What If I Lose Control Of My Staff As A Leader?

Question: I am a sales manager for a business services firm in Minneapolis. I am responsible for all new business revenue for my company and I have 5 sales people that work for me. Of the 5 sales...

Leadership 1462 Words

You Are The Supreme Authority

Two days ago I stewed in my Doctor’s lounge for my Annual Executive.

I finished just about 6 of his magazines. He was late again.

Fresh out of magazines (two read thrice already), I began reading all his plaques, diplomas, trophies and certificates. He owned many- in fact, he...

Time Management 336 Words

Recognizing Drama Kings and Queens in Your ...

We all have drama kings and queens in our lives. You know who they are! These are the people that enjoy creating drama or chaos. They thrive on stirring up conflict, adding fuel to the fire. They are in our families, they are in our friendships and they are in our workplaces. These are people...

Self Improvement 693 Words

Ask Don’t Tell Leadership – How ...

Ask Don’t Tell Leadership – How Do I Create Accountability As A Leader?

Question: I own and run a company, but my leadership skills are sometimes lacking. My Senior Team refers to me as Mr. Softy, because I fail to discipline those who breach company policies. I am having...

Leadership 502 Words

Coaching Where Is Your Focus?

Summary: Most people dont begin the process of developing a business if they have no intent of establishing the business. Most people also believe there are different roads that lead to success. Is this true? Or are there just a variety of perspectives along the way?

Sometimes I think...

Time Management 508 Words

You Are Not Practical In Your Approach! ...

You Are Not Practical In Your Approach! – Spirituality Information

You can call it funny,stupid ,strange,intelligent,mysterious, or powerful . Human beings have trained their minds to acquire one or many of these six special characteristics. 90% of the human beings at some stage of...

Time Management 856 Words

Are You A Victim Of Vagueness Or A Champion ...

Are You A Victim Of Vagueness Or A Champion Of Clarity?

It is estimated that our brains receive information through our senses that result in some four billion neuron impulses per second. Of these four billion pieces of information we are only consciously aware of about 2,000. Thats only...

Leadership 516 Words


Smile right now! Regardless of what is going on in your life I want you to smile. Smile big. Smile goofy. Smile a smile that spreads from your lips to your entire face and eyes, even your neck, shoulders, and scalp. Just smile!

Let me talk to you about choices for a moment. Each moment we...

Time Management 523 Words