You Deserve To Do What You Love!

When we pursue doing what were passionate about what does that mean? John Dir says in his article How to Find Your Passion, Passion is a pure form of motivation or compulsion that provides an energizing constant which is independent of environmental demands. It is an irresistible drive to...

Time Management 732 Words

You Can Learn How To Hynotize Free

Ever wonder how the professional hypnotist do it? How they can make people do and say things they would never normally do? They studied and practiced hypnosis for long periods of time and now so can you. Learn how to hypnotize free has never been so easy, many sites such as this one have many...

Time Management 381 Words

You Can Learn A Second Language No Matter ...

The other day I typed in “Language Schools” into Google and came up with a whopping 95 million hits. After popping my eyes back into my head, I wondered just how many public schools, junior colleges, and universities are offering second language learning opportunities in the United...

Time Management 609 Words

Compulsive Lying, The Intervention

Lying is common to people. Fear from a reprimand is the usual reason why people lie. But this cannot be referred to as compulsive lying. If a person lies because of a constant perceived punishment, it becomes compulsive lying. Lying with the belief that it is the truth despite being confronted...

Time Management 397 Words

You Can Learn A Language Naturally

In my newly released book, YOU CAN LEARN SPANISH or Any Language No Matter Your Age or Disposition, I discuss how most, if not all, second language courses in the Free World are taught: Grammar First. Not only is this method frighteningly boring, but I also explain why it will notindeed...

Time Management 760 Words

You Can Convince Yourself To Be Happy! ...

You Can Convince Yourself To Be Happy! Here’s How

A man is as unhappy as he has convinced himself he is. – Seneca

A brief observation about man and his ability to think opens a door of empowerment worthy of exploring. It’s easy to be happy when things are going...

Time Management 559 Words

Complete Well-being Begins With Building ...

Women come to me often wondering why they are having a hard time finding their own place of well-being or inner calm. So Im always looking for the hard facts. Specifically, my curiosity has always been around complete well-being: not just physical health, or financial wealth, beauty or balanced...

Time Management 500 Words

You Can Change Your Destiny

This month has been like a history lesson for me as I outlined the trail of the past great ones in the field of self-improvement. From Russell Herman Conwells book Acres of Diamonds a generation of self-help gurus sprang up including Og Mandino, Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, W. Clement Stone and...

Time Management 889 Words

Social Validation Sells

For the most part, we are all conformists. We will do what the crowd does. We might not like to admit that, but it is true. Only 5 to 10 percent of the population engages in behavior contrary to the social norm.
We see this law operating in groups, in organizations, in meetings, and in...

Time Management 795 Words

So You Think You’re Stupid? Maybe You ...

I recently received an email from a parent who is desperately frustrated over the struggles her middle-school son is facing. He has been diagnosed with ADHD and bi-polar disorder. School and everyday life, she says, is a real struggle; he looses everything and forgets everything. Like every...

Time Management 976 Words

Common Sense Methods For Beating Depression

Depression can feel overpowering at times. Medication can help, but it certainly does not do everything. So what else can you do? I suggest the following interventions to many of my patients. Try adding one or two at a time to see what helps.


Most of us just feel better...

Time Management 1518 Words

Snoring On Both Genders

Snoring is a habit done by most men and its most of the time, uncontrollable. The main cause of snoring is the vibration of the air coming from the passage way to the nose connecting to the mouth. Of course it doesnt mean that snoring cant pass one way, it can actually use both passage ways...

Time Management 339 Words