
Smile right now! Regardless of what is going on in your life I want you to smile. Smile big. Smile goofy. Smile a smile that spreads from your lips to your entire face and eyes, even your neck, shoulders, and scalp. Just smile!

Let me talk to you about choices for a moment. Each moment we...

Time Management 523 Words

You Are Changing The World

You are a magnificent and divinely inspired creation of God. You are here on the Earth during this very tumultuous time in history for a sacred purpose. Each soul that is here now, and each soul arriving to the Earth now, is here to participate in the momentous transformation process that is...

Time Management 779 Words

You Are A Shining Star!

You can ask some people the direct question, What makes someone credible? With others, you may have to be somewhat indirect. Ask, Who do you think is really reliable and can be believed? Why? You may have to be even more indirect with some people. Ask, Who do think is a great leader? Why? The...

Time Management 413 Words

Coaching Stop Paying So Much Attention To ...

Coaching Stop Paying So Much Attention To Your Rival

There is a story Id like to share; perhaps youve heard it. Two business owners were situated across the street from each other. The problem was these two men despised each other. Each merchant sold similar merchandise and were...

Time Management 515 Words

Slow Down With Italian Words

The Italian language is among the Romance languages that is popularly studied and spoken by many other speakers. Regardless of the native language of a person, learning how to study Italian is always the first, second or third choice in language learning. This is because there are already many...

Time Management 319 Words

You And Daniel Webster

Daniel Webster was one of the greatest orators of all time. They say he even out talked the Devil to save a man’s soul. What he said wasn’t as important as the way he said It. But one sentence from his speeches sticks in my mind. “Let us,” said Daniel Webster, “in...

Time Management 575 Words

Sleep Centers For Your Snoring Problem In ...

Sleep centers are facilities that are built in order to diagnose and treat a wide variety of sleep disorders. They can be based in a hospital, university, or they can be freestanding facilities. Those sleep disorder centers that are accredited – such as the ones that treat snoring problems...

Time Management 399 Words

Yesterday , I Got An Opportunity To Ride On A

Yesterday , I Got An Opportunity To Ride On A Tiger – Spirituality Information

My grandmother used to tell me great stories. She passed away 21 years back. Yesterday I wanted to converse with her. I wanted to thank her for all those funny and inspirational stories. I wanted to...

Time Management 593 Words

Writing Your Own Powerful Affirmations

A common question I see from people just beginning their personal development journey is, “How do I write effective affirmations?” Often they will go in search of existing affirmations that they can apply to their own situation, but they may or may not find something that works for...

Time Management 835 Words

Coaching Recognizing The Tipping Point

Malcolm Gladwell has a long history as a news reporter, but in his book, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference Gladwell helps readers understand something most of us have only felt was true life has a tipping point.

In virtually every aspect of our lives there is...

Time Management 517 Words

Work Motivation: Making Or Breaking Your ...

Getting up on the wrong side of the bed can affect the way you feel and perform at work. Your negative persona can be portrayed to fellow employees. Being unsatisfied with the work you are doing, as well as being unhappy with your pay can impact your work as well. Because work motivation can...

Time Management 493 Words

Sleep Apnea: It Can Take Your Breath Away ...

Sleep Apnea: It Can Take Your Breath Away (but Not In A Good Way)

You know the feeling you get when you see an attractive person? It feels like your heart stops beating for a few seconds and you cant seem to breathe, let alone find a way to put together a sentence and speak to that...

Time Management 522 Words