How to Get Around Excuses for Not Exercising

Over the years, there have been people making up plenty of excuses to avoid exercising. Some of these excuses are creative, some are ridicules, but most are in a group of common excuses used everyday to justify not having to make the effort to improve their health and well being.

How many...

Exercise 782 Words

How to Extend the Life of Your Treadmill

When purchasing a treadmill, you really dont think about the importance of proper maintenance. When you purchase a treadmill, you must be willing to take the time to maintain it just as you would any other major investment. Just like anything else, you must make a conscience effort to factor...

Exercise 519 Words

How To Exercise Without Moving A Muscle?

Increasing numbers of medical clinics use supervised sauna bathing for detoxifying the body of toxic chemicals. Programs typically follow the “Hubbard Method”, a regime based primarily on nutritional supplementation, sauna therapy, and exercise. Other names used for similar programs...

Exercise 417 Words

How To Exercise For Maximum Energy

There are two main types of exercise. Aerobic and Anaeobic exercise. Let’s start with the first one. Aerobic literally means with oxygen. Aerobic exercise has an important distinction; it burns fat as its main fuel. Can anyone find a use for this? Anaerobic means without oxygen. Anaerobic...

Exercise 394 Words

How to Exercise and Enjoy it

There are three key elements that are important to make any exercise program successful. These elements are safety, effectiveness and enjoyment.

Safety: The No pain, no gain theory is a myth. Avoid any exercise that causes pain or undue discomfort. If pain occurs in the neck or chest...

Exercise 478 Words

How to Deal with Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps are temporary contractions of the muscles and they usually appear during physical effort. The sensation is similar to the one you have when you feel a strong, involuntary tightening of the muscle group that you can’t control any more. There are many causes which bring about...

Exercise 493 Words

How to avoid injuries

Exercising is a great way to keep yourself fit and healthy, but there is also a risk of injury. However, if you follow some basic guidelines, and stay within your physical limits, you can ensure that youll have an enjoyable and safe workout.

Warm ups:
Warm ups are essentialthis...

Exercise 449 Words

How Exercise Can Help You Sleep Better…

The amount of physical activity that you expend during the day is a key ingredient to helping you sleep restfully at night.

The more active your body is during the day, the more likely you are able to relax fully at night and fall asleep easily.

With regular exercise your sleep...

Exercise 569 Words

How Exercise Can Help With Anti Aging

In our quest for the fountain of youth people have taken up a new form of treatment, Anti-Aging Clinics. Here you can get injections of human growth hormone HGH and injections of nutrient supplements, however a simpler and perhaps easier away to do this is by changing your diet and...

Exercise 441 Words

How Exercise Affects Your Cholesterol levels

Everyone already knows that exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle even if certain people choose not to exercise at all. The fact that only around 10% of American adults exercise at least three times a week however may indicate that many people are not aware of just how beneficial...

Exercise 450 Words

How Does Alcohol Affect Exercise?

Its finally Friday and you just got off work. Now youre thinking about going out later and having a few drinks with your friends and relaxing. After all, you worked hard all week and you certainly deserve a little enjoyment and fun now that the weekends here so theres nothing wrong with going...

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How Dance Dance Revolution is getting kids ...

How Dance Dance Revolution is getting kids off the couch

Dance Dance revolution is the latest dance craze that is a fun and addictive way to lose weight and get into shape.

Are you concerned about the lack of exercise your child is getting?
Would you like to see them up and...

Exercise 698 Words