Look at the Evidence of how Hypnosis can ...

Look at the Evidence of how Hypnosis can Help You Lose Weight!

A lot of people remain skeptical about the solutions that hypnosis can offer. They know that hypnotherapists claim that their techniques can help you deal with issues like quitting smoking and losing weight but they still cant...

Weight Loss 541 Words

Load UP On Color To Lose Weight

Losing weight doesn’t have to be boring when you focus on bright, colourful meals. What does this mean? Simply by making sure your plate reflects a range of colours, you’ll naturally create more balanced and healthful menus. Not everyone has the rime or the patience to count...

Weight Loss 235 Words

Lo Carb Diets Can Assist You Rapid Weight ...

Lo carb diets are the newest dieting trend, and seem to be effective. Here are some tips for following a balanced lo carb diet:

Eat more fruit and vegetables, aiming for at least five portions a day. Include fruit at breakfast and salad at lunch. Reduce the amount of salt by eating less...

Weight Loss 584 Words

Lizard Spit and Weight Loss

In the southwestern United States lives a unique animal called the Gila monster. What is so unique about this lizard-like creature is the fact that it only eats three times a year. Why does it only get hungry every four months? Scientists, in the never-ending search for new medications, began...

Weight Loss 455 Words

Living with Your Diet

Recently, I was reading about a diet plan where you throw everything out of your pantry. Although this sounds like great news for the supermarkets, over the short-term, this leaves very few choices for you to actually eat.

Can you exist on salad, topped with Flax seed oil dressing, for...

Weight Loss 321 Words

Liposuction and Me

Liposuction is body contouring. Body contouring is liposuction? That pretty much described how little I knew about liposuction at first. In fact, going in for cosmetic surgery had never even entered my mind until a few years ago.

My body used to be like a yo-yo. Diet and exercise would...

Weight Loss 475 Words

Liposuction: Risks and Benefits

Liposuction surgery is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery in the United States. More than a quarter of a million liposuctions were performed last year. It can be an effective means of removing excess body fat in healthy people, but cosmetic surgeons caution that liposuction should not...

Weight Loss 489 Words

Liposuction – A Weight Loss Method?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery employed to remove excess fat from body parts. It is also called lipoplasty, suction lipectomy, liposculpture or fat suction.

Generally the fat is removed from thighs, chin, buttocks, lovehandles (abdomen), breasts and stomach for women and chin, waist,...

Weight Loss 519 Words

Like the European Coast

One of the most popular diets over the past twelve to fifteen years has been the Mediterranean diet. This diet has definitely survived the label of fad, as it is still around and even growing in popularity, and gimmick is not a very accurate term since the Mediterranean diet is a full sized...

Weight Loss 477 Words

Lifting And Diet For Effective Weight Loss

If you’re like the average American male, your body retains your excess calories as fatty tissues. Why? Eating large burgers, fries, and liters of soda is not exactly healthy. Watching NFL or NBA doesn’t exactly count as exercise either. You lack physical activity and diet control....

Weight Loss 480 Words

Life Is One Damn Diet After Another

A common expression is that were going on a diet. The phrase suggests that, like a vacation trip, there is a beginning and an end. We dream of the day we will reach our weight goal and how wonderful it will be when we dont have to lead a life of painful deprivation.

In the back of our...

Weight Loss 1836 Words

Lemonade Diet Recipe – Useful Diet Or ...

The lemonade diet recipe is said to have originated in the 1970s when a book written by Stanley Burroughs suggested that fasting and drinking citric fruit juice could be used as a way to remove toxins from the body. This was never intended to be used as a diet as such, simply a short term...

Weight Loss 445 Words