Self Help Management

If you are serious about self help, you will have to develop a management approach to your personal development that you can turn to in times of need. Self help isnt just about an occasional book or a brief visit to a group. Self help is about ongoing practices and long term devotion to certain...

Time Management 594 Words

When Things Don’t Appear To Be ...

When Things Don’t Appear To Be Flowing, Take A Second Look

On a recent trip to a conference, I sat next to a woman on the plane who had missed her last connecting flight due to some airline delays. As a result, Margaret was going to miss a bike tour of the Napa Wine Valley, which...

Time Management 370 Words

Build Your Self-Esteem With Nlp & ...

A social phobia is a fear of interacting with others on a social level. Examples would be talking in front of other people, waiting in line at the checkout imagining others are looking at you, or even fear of talking on the phone.

Self-confidence is a feeling that allows people to have...

Time Management 1377 Words

Build Your Self-confidence And Get The ...

By all rights, your life should be pretty much perfect. You have a wonderful family, good job, and almost everything you could want. The problem is that you lack confidence and respect in yourself. To you, it seems as if everything you touch is a disaster. It may be that you feel as if you...

Time Management 806 Words

Self Help Group

If you are serious about spiritual growth and self help, then a group is practically indispensable in getting you where you need to go. It is a fundamental truth in psychology and self help that you simply cannot overcome your problems alone. You need people who have been where you are and who...

Time Management 736 Words

How Stress Effects Your Body And Brain And ...

How Stress Effects Your Body And Brain And What To Do About It.

Which of these is stress?

You receive a promotion at work.
Your car has a flat tire.
You go to a fun party that lasts till 6:00 a.m.
Your dog gets sick.
Your new bedroom set is being...

Stress Management 956 Words

When Jealousy Creeps In

Jealousy is a kind of feeling, which develops when a person believes that his/her valued relationship is threatened by some kind of insecurity. It mainly comes because of the insecurity of the jealous person. The causes of jealousy are more mental than physical. The feeling of jealousy is also...

Time Management 498 Words

Personal Alchemy: Three Steps To Positive ...

Lately, I’ve become intrigued by the idea or process of “alchemy.” Funk & Wagnall tells me alchemy is a transformation, “a change in nature, form or quality.” So how to take charge of your own personal alchemy? For me, it’s about changes and...

Self Improvement 785 Words

Build Your Self Esteem

Some people seem to have been born with a great deal of self-confidence. This is not really the case, although a healthy self-esteem does stem from childhood. Young children who are influenced by caring parents and other adults who take the time to instill a sense of self worth will grow into...

Time Management 325 Words

Performance Anxiety

Beverly had suffered from anxiety most of her life. As a child, she slept poorly and often had nightmares. She bit her nails and would chew on the skin around her nails until they were raw and bleeding.

Beverly had tried many forms of therapy, meditation and medication before consulting...

Self Improvement 732 Words

The Value of the Individual

How can we, as individuals, participate in waste management? Because some of us are so overwhelmed with Earths problems, we feel that our contributions have no real consequence in the end. For others, social barriers can be an issue. A lady we once knew confessed that she did not want to be seen...

Inspirational 406 Words

Self Help For Women

Self Help has come a long way in the past several decades. It used to be that womens issues werent even thought of let alone specialized in Universities, counseling centers and books all over the world. In just a few short decades, self help for women has burgeoned into a major industry and a...

Time Management 662 Words