Perfecting The Art Of Attracting

A great truth of the Universe that many know but few truly understand is that “we bring about, whatever it is we think about.” Your thoughts are creating your very reality because your feelings are attracting are creating your thoughts.

The Law of Attraction is a Universal...

Self Improvement 1205 Words

The solution WITHIN

It’s quite amazing how many people go through their lives with very little thought as to where they are heading with it.

There is an accepted lifecycle assigned to everyone and most of us seem to just fall into it and ‘live’ it out as if there was no...

Inspirational 842 Words

When Does Your Belief Become The Truth?

Ever wondered why some people turn anything they touch into gold; while other people fail even before they attempt something?

Most people would simply call it luck; perhaps saying, youre just lucky. And if they werent pleased with the outcome, its a bummer. You might hear, well, try...

Time Management 890 Words

The Power of Imagination

Dear fellow entrepreneurs, while reading some very informative information on the internet, I came across a really intriguing concept of creativity and imagination. In it’s application to marketing strategies, imagination is often one of the most powerful aspects that can be applied to...

Inspirational 299 Words

How Middle Managers Create Stress

In essence, the reason that they create stress for others is that they do not manage well. For all those working in the operational, functional areas of the organisation, most of the workplace stress is created by the team leaders, supervisors, and middle managers.

The ways in which...

Stress Management 1439 Words

Wheelchair Wheels: Tube Be, Or Not Tube Be?

Wheelchair Wheels: Tube Be, Or Not Tube Be?

Wheelchair wheels pay a dual role in the operation of a wheelchair; they both act as shock absorbers both increasing the comfort of the wheelchair user, and decreasing the stress on the wheelchair to reduce the level of future maintenance it...

Time Management 519 Words

Build Confidence With Hypnosis

Confidence is when an individual feels self-assured and has very real belief in their mental and physical capabilities. As you might imagine, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and world class athletes are the types of individuals who have higher than average confidence and self-esteem. Their...

Time Management 385 Words

Self Help Anxiety

Making the decision to get some help can be intimidating for many people. How do we know who to trust when it comes to our problems? For many people, the idea of trust is such a problem that they avoid getting help at all. Typically, their problems in their lives only worsen as a result of...

Time Management 767 Words

The Inspiring Dance of Clouds

The clouds in the sky are as usual for all of us as the sun rising and the sun setting. We pay no attention to the beautiful dance of the clouds that can inspire us to live a pleasant life. Have you ever thought of the clouds? From where do they come? Where do they go? What do they do in the...

Inspirational 347 Words

Path to Healing

It is within us to explore and draw upon our inner resources to heal. Some wounds are embedded so deeply that no amount of professional expertise can cure, much less heal.

A famous Yale surgeon says that as a surgeon, he cuts into the body, but he can not order the wound to heal....

Self Improvement 976 Words

Self Help And Your Self Esteem

People with low self esteem often feel completely alone when it comes to finding a solution to their problem. Without a proper direction finder, they may turn their strength over to one person after another and never really find anyone who can help them. Feeling alone is likely to be one of...

Time Management 728 Words

Bring Innovation Into Your Life

The ‘power of innovation’ is a phrase that sounds like a corporate tactic or slogan, a secret talent worthy of only the rich and powerful. Actually, the power of innovation is an innate quality that we all possess. If you tend to marvel at the creativity of others, you may be...

Time Management 768 Words