Screensavers – Now Get Energized With ...

Till now, screensavers have been a tool to enjoy watching scenes. A good screensaver was supposed to have great photographs or animations and good to look at. Not many had thought that screensavers could be used to inspire with text that can re-energize anyone. They are getting made...

Inspirational 266 Words

New Hope For Sufferers Of Obsessive And ...

There are so many people suffering with one form or another of a group of disorders that dont fit neatly into any category and for which there is no one current effective treatment.

Relatively little is known about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) and...

Self Improvement 652 Words

Sacred Space

In Exodus3:15- Word of God:When the Lord saw that Moses was coming closer,
he called him from the middle of the bush and said:”Moses, Moses,” he answered, “Yes, here I am” God said, ” Do not come any closer.Take off your sandals because you are standing on...

Inspirational 1061 Words

Black Ops Hypnosis: Underground Hypnosis ...

One of the first things that people notice about Underground Hypnosis is that the program is based on a concept that is referred to as Black Ops. This leads many people, at first glance, to think that the basis for Underground Hypnosis is something that is sinister, otherworldly, or even a...

Time Management 645 Words

Seek Value Instead Of Success

Today we are surrounded with books and seminars and workshops aimed at making us more successful. Many of these are great men with great advice that is worthy of our attention. I myself read much of the self-help success material that is published which I ascribe to and promote their ideas. But...

Time Management 533 Words

What’s In Your Coping Toolbox?

Life consistently presents us with challenges and changes and at times this can lead to us feeling stressed. Planning how to manage and cope in various life situations, and finding out which coping skills work best for you, is the key to succeeding with stress rather then experiencing distress....

Time Management 696 Words

Fear Of Flying (Aviophobia)

Psychiatry identifies three different categories of phobia:

Agoraphobia is a fear of open spaces. It is also a fear of having a panic attack in a public place, of losing control in an area from which escape may prove difficult or embarrassing.

Social Phobia is an irrational anxiety...

Stress Management 345 Words

Negative Energy – How To Avoid It

Where does negative energy come from? Some of it is from the other people we spend time with. Don’t we all know people who just suck away our energy? However, it also comes from our own thinking habits. Here are some examples of both sources of negativity and what you can do about...

Self Improvement 639 Words

What’s Better Than Plastic Surgery?

Better than plastic surgery

Joni Mitchell has a song, Happiness is the best facelift, but curiosity is an equally effective anti-aging device. If you want to stay youthful and energetic, consider the role of curiosity in your life. As kids, many of us were not encouraged to be curious:...

Time Management 902 Words

Seek Opportunities In Everything That Comes ...

Q. What happens when we focus on the negative side of life instead of the positive? We miss out on seeing the breadth of opportunities that would otherwise enable us to develop and strengthen our lives.

The result? We end up journeying on a downward spiral, feeling that no matter what we...

Time Management 465 Words

Rose Desrochers Thoughts On Taking ...

When do we start taking responsibility for our own actions? It appears that we no longer own our actions. Owning our actions, involves taking personal responsibility for what we do. Why is it that when something goes wrong, we need some place to lay the blame? Part of being a mature, responsible...

Inspirational 610 Words

Need A Lift? Try A Success Program

If you are like most people at some time in their life you have or you will enter a rut in life. Sometimes this rut is referred to as the mid-life crisis, some times it is called the prodigal period, but whatever it is called the same basic ingredients exist. They are questioning the meaning and...

Self Improvement 458 Words