Self Help

Everyone can use a little advice from time to time. The trouble is, these days it’s hard to find the time to seek help, so more people are finding ways to help themselves. The Self Help industry is big business and getting bigger every day, with television programs, books, software,...

Time Management 381 Words

The Embarrassment of Self Development

For a long time I yearned to improve myself; my true inner self, but something was holding me back. I made a lot of excuses back then; I didnt have time; I was too tired; I wasnt sure what direction my search should take. However, the truth was I felt embarrassed about opening myself up,...

Inspirational 885 Words

Holiday Stress Cure – Holiday Sex!

I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting older or this world is getting more and more materialistic – but Christmas is really becoming an overwhelming holiday for many people, especially women – and not just mothers.

Everyone has this idealistic fantasy of...

Stress Management 242 Words

Breaking Free From Self-Limiting Habits

‘We need to think differently to shift our paradigms
to a new, deeper, “inside-out” level’; Stephen R. Covey

In the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey describes habits as “consistent, often unconscious patterns which constantly,...

Time Management 971 Words

Our Christian And Patriotic Pursuit Of ...

Throughout our recorded human history great people such as Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato all suggest that we personally play a pivotal role in our own happiness. Our right for the pursuit of happiness was also written by Thomas Jefferson in our Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen...

Self Improvement 598 Words

What You Say Is Revealing But What Do You ...

What You Say Is Revealing But What Do You Really Want?

Conversations can be revealing, can’t they?

The words we use, the way we use our bodies to show our passion and enthusiasm or the uncomfortable wriggling and writhing as we wrestle with what we yearn for – are all...

Time Management 453 Words



In todays world, more and more people speak about the power of positive thinking. It is a concept that has a very high view of human nature and ability. Its advocates teach that the human mind has the power to turn wishes into reality through optimism. In...

Inspirational 682 Words

What You Didn’t Know About The Law Of ...

Imagine for a moment that its Monday. The alarm clock rings at six. Its like a thunderclap cutting through the haze of yesterdays white whine and three hours worth of Friends rerun.

So you get up and accidentally bang your knee on the bedpost. Dark murderous thoughts fire across your...

Time Management 436 Words

The Biggest Secret

Im going to share a secret with you now, so just come a little bit closer.

Its a big secret and Im going to have to ask you to not tell anyone though, please. I know I can trust you on this.

The thing is, if you did tell anyone, particularly a therapist you might shatter their ego...

Inspirational 700 Words

Self Esteem 4 Simple Steps To Conquer Self ...

Self Esteem 4 Simple Steps To Conquer Self Esteem

Believe it or not, some of the most successful people you see in the media today used to have a low self esteem. How did they overcome this and become the successful people that they are today?

You can win the battle over low self...

Time Management 498 Words

Have One Week, Will Relax: Your 7 days ...

Have One Week, Will Relax: Your 7 days program to Stress management

They say there’s more than one way to skin a cat. The same goes when you start tearing your hair out with all the frustration, grief, anxiety, and yes, stress. It’s a state of mental conditioning that is like...

Stress Management 735 Words

Online Scams: How To Avoid Getting Fooled

Beware of the three ways of getting fooled into giving up your money through seemingly innocent money-making schemes. Scams are all around us and it can be found in every single area of life, but more so in such areas where the risk is greater such as when dealing with credit cards, bank...

Self Improvement 485 Words