What Kind Of Difference Are You Making?

Do you wake up every morning and say “I’m going to change the world today!”? Most of us would feel a bit grandiose saying that, yet many of us really DO want to change the world, we DO want to make a difference. And we often feel discouraged and disheartened at our inability to...

Time Management 997 Words

Eliminate Stress and Anxiety From Your ...

“We cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
-Albert Einstein

Each one of us has different levels of resiliency when it comes to dealing with our life situations. Do you need to learn some ways of becoming more resilient?...

Stress Management 461 Words

My Left Brain Wrote This Article

The terms “left brain” and “right brain” refer to the left and right hemispheres of your brain. They each tend to process things differently, as explained in the following two paragraphs. However, the following are generalizations. They hold true for over 90% of...

Self Improvement 729 Words

The Powers of a Positive Attitude

I am going to ask you to something very weird right now. First of all, I want you to listen to your thoughts. Now tell me, what thoughts fill your head? Would you label them as positive, or negative?

Now let’s say you are walking down the street with these thoughts. Do you think...

Inspirational 844 Words

Best Ways To Reduce Stress

Stress has the solution within the word. Rest plus two syllables to spare. Yes…yes…It is a product of self-creation. For the stress, you have to mostly blame yourself. They say you are the creator of your destiny and circumstances. When you think that you are the victim of...

Time Management 441 Words

Efficiency – Fight Stress On Your ...

Efficiency – Fight Stress On Your Desktops To Improve Work

Stress, the word brings so much in the minds of all people. Stress has become as common as the flying birds in the sky. It is very difficult to find a place where there are no birds, and similarly it is very difficult to...

Stress Management 384 Words

Secret Of The Millionaire Mind . . . Yes, You

Secret Of The Millionaire Mind . . . Yes, You Can Box It Up!

Secret of the millionaire mind. Wouldnt you love to go into a store and ask for that? Id like one secret of the millionaire mind, please. Just box it up.

Well, unfortunately, Nordstroms doesnt sell the secret of the...

Time Management 698 Words

Your Recommended Daily Allowance for ...

Stress is the curse of living in modern times. Everyone suffers from stress. And the stress we suffer takes a heavy toll on our bodies, emotions and minds.

Feeling stressed out, worn out by fatigue or just simply having a miserable day, the best thing to do is relax.


Inspirational 720 Words

Driving Away Stress

Its the morning rush hour, and your blood has reached the boiling point.

You have exactly five minutes to get to work and you discover a major traffic tie-up along the freeway.

You see the orange pylons and suddenly realize that you are stuck in a construction zone. The stress of...

Stress Management 712 Words

No GPS for Lindbergh

Although flying from New York to Paris is no big deal today, Charles Lindbergh flew his 3,600 mile, 33 1/2 hour flight in 1927 without a telegraph, radio or Global Positioning System (GPS). In his plane, The Spirit of St. Louis, Lindbergh packed a few sandwiches, a couple canteens of water, 451...

Inspirational 894 Words

What Is Your Role As A Parent To Help Prevent

What Is Your Role As A Parent To Help Prevent Drug Abuse?

The drug called Ecstasy/MDMA is just one of several that children as young as 8th graders are abusing. Ecstasy is a human-made drug taken orally as a capsule or tablet. The short-term effects include feelings of mental stimulation,...

Time Management 444 Words

Music To Your Sleeping Ears

Trying to fall asleep when the tap is dripping or the wind is whipping outside can be an effort in futility. Regardless of how hard you try, you just cannot get past the noise and fall asleep. A few minutes turns into an hour and it’s not just insomnia bothering you but you’re...

Self Improvement 496 Words